Town consolidating with a contiguous city or village: additional method created -
Act 93
Comprehensive planning by local governmental units: written notice re changes in allowable use or intensity of use to property owners or leaseholders with nonmetallic mineral resource extraction interests -
Act 307
Comprehensive planning statutes for local governmental units revised re number of programs or actions with which it must be consistent; reiterates a regional planning commission's plan is only advisory -
Act 233
County tax levy for library services: exemption for city, town, village, or school district modified; county board approval required [vetoed] -
Local levy limit exceptions re city or village that annexed territory under certain conditions, levy by 1st class city for school purposes, and adoption of resolution by certain towns; reconciliation provision re SB-44 [vetoed]
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [Sec. 943m, 1532m] [vetoed] -
TEACH board eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; some responsibilities transferred to DPI; training and technical assistance grants eliminated; sunset for infrastructure assistance grants; debt service, E-rate, and telecommunications access reestimates; annual grant to Racine Unified School District removed; provision re certain public museum retained [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
Act 33
Adjutant general, county veterans' service officers, and DVA duties re certain information on U.S. armed forces, including the national guard -
Act 163
Distance learning centers: Adjutant general duties; rent for nonmilitary use permitted [Sec. 561, 739]
Act 33
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -
Act 184
National guard member of any state who is a Wisconsin resident: eligibility for certain benefits extended to
Act 69
National guard tuition reimbursement grants and eligible institutions [Sec. 741-744, 9337 (1x)] -
Act 33
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -
Act 218
Uhl, (Sgt.) Eugene A., III: life and military service commended [SJR-68] - JR-31
Veteran educational grant program revisions; DVA allowed to acquire property for headquarters and museum; Iraq War definition; benefits to persons who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom -
Act 83
Veterans cemeteries: eligibility for burial expanded -
Act 58
CREP payment to person in arrears of child support prohibited [Sec. 1742, 1743] -
Act 33
Endangered resources funding cap [Sec. 394-396] -
Act 33
Falconry fees: DNR may use for endangered resources program [Sec. 397, 875] -
Act 33
Stewardship land acquisition and development projects: JCF review reinstated re 2003 WisAct 33 veto; Building Commission approval provision [vetoed] -
Stewardship program debt service payment; reduction in stewardship bonding authority; funds obligated re land acquisition for Peshtigo River State Forest [Sec. 412, 413, 680r, 801c-t, 802g-n, 804f-k] [802m — partial veto; 680r, 801c-t, 802g-L, n, 804f-k — vetoed] -
Act 33
Aids in lieu of taxes: calculation of and payment from conservation fund [Sec. 404n-r, 1536bm, c] [1536bm, c — vetoed] -
Act 33
Appropriation revisions -
Act 1
Aquatic invasive species management: grants from conservation fund; includes education and inspection at boat landings [Sec. 406c, 804n] -
Act 33
Asbestos inspection fees increased; DNR may charge for laboratory testing [Sec. 401, 2473, 2474]
Act 33
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised -
Act 316
DNR administrative appropriation reductions plan: DOA secretary to approve, JCF to review [Sec. 9138 (5g)] [vetoed] -
Gaming revenues transfer to conservation fund [Sec. 9238 (3)] -
Act 33
Manufacturing extension center grants [Sec. 292f, 293, 294, 606, 608, 2624d, 2628] -
Act 33
Property under DNR control: sale provisions; JCF to approve [Sec. 9138 (3x)] [vetoed] -
Agrichemical management and Agricultural chemical cleanup funds revised; fee and surcharge provisions; household clean sweep modifications [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Agriculture"] -
Act 33
Air quality management: DNR authority revised re emission standards for hazardous pollutants, nonattainment areas, and permit requirements, process, and approval; report required -
Act 118
Aquatic invasive species management: grants from conservation fund; includes education and inspection at boat landings [Sec. 406c, 804n] -
Act 33
Best forestry management practices for water quality required; JCF may provide exemption [Sec. 868p] [vetoed]
Bluff erosion mitigation in Sheboygan county: nonpoint pollution funding for [Sec. 9138 (3f)] -
Act 33
Brownfields revolving loan program established with funding from the EPA -
Act 314
Damaged timber for sale by DNR or county: procedures revised -
Act 242
DNR field forester educational requirements specified; persons authorized to mark certain trees for cutting revised
Act 66
Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program revisions -
Act 312
Environmental fund transfers to the general fund [Sec. 9238 (1)]
Act 33
Environmental Improvement Program and Environmental Results Program created; provisions re audits, incentives, immunity from civil liability, and access to certain information; penalty and sunset provided [vetoed]
Environmental insurance: DNR, in cooperation with DOA, to make available re cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated property -
Act 315
Environmental Results Program and Environmental Improvement Program created; DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOJ duties specified; waiver of enforcement record requirements and forfeiture provisions -
Act 276
Falconry fees: DNR may use for endangered resources program [Sec. 397, 875] -
Act 33
Fish and wildlife resources management by DNR: administrative costs report required [vetoed]
Forestry appropriation structure revised [Sec. 399, 400, 404, 869, 1647, 1652, 1653] -
Act 33
Gypsy moth suppression program: DNR may establish under certain conditions; aerial insecticide treatment provision; landowner and tenant notification requirements
Act 57
Hazardous substance enforcement actions: DNR may impose fees on persons subject to [Sec. 402, 2481]
Act 33
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Law enforcement relating to the state's water resources: funding for [Sec. 403m] -
Act 33
Managed forest land program revisions; DNR provisions [partial veto] -
Act 228
Managed forest land program revisions: effective date re 2003 WisAct 228 (AB-323) revised [vetoed]
Nonpoint source program: use of repayment for grants set [Sec. 406, 416] -
Act 33
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: laws revised; DNR provision -
Act 275
Public utility facility construction in certain cases, utility aid payments, and utility condemnations revisions; DNR and PSC duties; brownfields and environmental assessment provisions -
Act 89
Recreational boating aids funding for aquatic invasive species control [Sec. 918t] [vetoed] -
Solid waste used in public works projects: immunity from liability under certain conditions; DNR duty specified
Act 88
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission funding [Sec. 404g, j, 9138 (4k), 9438 (1k)] [404j — partial veto; 404g, 9138 (4k), 9438 (1k) — vetoed] -
Act 33
Sustainable urban development zone grant program re brownfields repealed [Sec. 408, 2479] -
Act 33
Waste facility siting board transferred from DOA to DNR [Sec. 92x, 402p, 587p, 2475g, 9101 (8c)] [vetoed]
Wild crane crop damage study re Indian gaming revenues: obsolete appropriation repealed [Sec. 398r, 609m]
Act 33
Archer hunting license: restrictions on issuing during open season for hunting deer revised -
Act 313
CWD control: funding for [Sec. 9138 (3d)] -
Act 33
Feeding deer for viewing or hunting purposes: restrictions created; CWD and rule provisions -
Act 240
Fish and game approvals paid for with worthless check: DNR must revoke -
Act 138
Fishing tournaments: DNR to establish program to authorize and regulate; bass fishing tournament pilot program provision -
Act 249
Hound dog training license and trial license: captive animals expanded to include foxes, bobcats, and coyotes; commercial hunting and certain competitive events provisions
Act 239
Rehabilitating white-tailed deer in Walworth County: rehabilitation license holder exempt from certain license and registration requirements under set conditions; CWD provision
Act 179
Sighting a firearm in 24-hour period prior to opening of deer season re land owned or leased by the person or immediate family: DNR may not promulgate or enforce rules prohibiting -
Act 244
Upland game birds: regulations for buying, selling, bartering, and trading of nonedible parts established; definition and licensing provisions [vetoed] -
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